Mission Statement and Guiding Principles

(April 2006)





To establish an international network of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who work cooperatively at the individual, family and community levels to support individuals and couples in preparing for, developing, and building healthy and happy marriage relationships.





Our mission is to reverence marriage as ordained of God by highlighting the value and importance of marriage and the family. We seek to follow the light of Christ in teaching spiritually based principles that support and strengthen marriage relationships, and in providing educational resources and assistance to empower Latter-day Saints to make creating strong and healthy marriage relationships a priority. We will accomplish our purposes through:


Ø      Studying by learning and faith the principles, processes, and practical tools that provide insight and knowledge for supporting and strengthening marriage relationships.

Ø      Developing and providing trusted quality resources with a spiritual base and a practical application that will bless and enrich the lives and relationships of Latter-day Saints and others.

Ø      Educating individuals and couples with correct principles that are centered in truth through a variety of teaching avenues and programs.

Ø      Communicating ideas, insights, and resources to Latter-day Saints in multiple contexts through the use of the Internet and other learning methods.

Ø      Facilitating the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and applications among Latter-day Saints to enhance their ability and efforts to collaborate in strengthening marriage relationships at the individual, family, and community levels.

Ø      Empowering individuals and groups as a catalyst to follow the Spirit and reach out to bless and strengthen others in their preparation for, development, and maintenance of strong and healthy marriage relationships.



Guiding Principles


·        We will continually seek to support the doctrines, policies, and programs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and will actively work to be a complementary support to the Church and its affiliated institutions in strengthening marriage and family relationships.

·        We will strive to follow the direction of the Spirit, and will encourage other Latter-day Saints to do so as well, in all our efforts to bless lives and relationships.

·        We acknowledge the eternal nature of marriage, and seek to promote the blossoming of the husband/wife relationship within the context of making and keeping eternal covenants. We will emphasize the ideal of a loving eternal marriage, and assist those in all circumstances to make steps toward this ideal.

·        We will develop an organization and initiative that is positive, engaging, and innovative in supporting and strengthening marriage.

·        We will use sound doctrine and truth, theory, research, and practical knowledge to guide our thinking and development of resources.

·        We will foster and support innovative thinking and research to better understand marriage and related topics in the global Latter-day Saint community.

·        We will develop and provide educational resources and opportunities that are centered in truth, of the highest quality, and focused on spiritual and practical application in the lives of Latter-day Saints and others.

·        We will focus on strengthening marriage in a broad context that includes preparing for, developing, and maintaining resilient and fulfilling marriage relationships where couples can develop the ability to withstand life’s inevitable challenges, as well as experience the ultimate joys an intimately connected marriage relationship has to offer.

·        We will strive to develop and use materials, resources, and approaches that are appropriately responsive to the diversity of language, culture, gender, family status, and other circumstances.

·        We will discourage divorce and encourage healing and reconciliation where it is possible for individuals in troubled marriage relationships.

·        We will foster opportunities for individuals and groups to share ideas and network with each other in pursuing their gifts and passions to strengthen marriage relationships.

·        We will work to become an independent, faithful, and credible source of information and support to the Latter-day Saint community in strengthening marriage and family relationships.