"Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage!"
e-Newsletter #11--July 11, 2005 (#05-6) www.StrengtheningMarriage.com CONTENTS
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1~ MARRIAGE TIP--"God's Wedding Gift--Why Save Sex for Marriage" 2~ ARTICLE--"Divine Designs of Marriage" 3~ EVENTS--Couples' Caribbean Cruise 4~ NEWS--Weekly Radio Show; DeseretBook.com; Photos, Audio & Video Clips; Quick Poll Question 5~ READERS' COMMENTS --"Your book tells me how to fix the problems!!" 6~ STRAIGHT TALK Q&A--"Why don't I enjoy kissing with my wife?" 7~ WORDS TO PONDER--Profoundly meaningful sex... & Take sex out of Satan's territory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1~
MARRIAGE TIP--"God's Wedding Gift--Why Save Sex for
According to recent polls, about 90% of the population believe in God. So for most people it's enough to know that God has designated sexual intimacy as a "wedding gift" given only to those who are legally and lawfully married. But, are there additional benefits to saving sex for marriage—beyond obeying God's command? Yes! Here are just a few compelling reasons to save sexual expression for it's exclusive enjoyment and fulfillment within marriage: (1) Provides a profound sense of accomplishment. Those who (2) Avoids heartache. Sharing sexual intimacies outside of marriage (3) Indicates trustworthiness. Trust is the foundation of a strong (4) Develops self-discipline. Every exercise of sexual restraint (5) Shows maturity. Maturity is the ability to understand theWhile many believe that young people are simply not capable of waiting to have sex until marriage, I disagree. It isn't that big of a stretch to believe: 1) that children can be taught about sexual intimacy as a divine gift reserved for marriage; 2) that parents can meet their children's emotional needs in order for each child to feel loved, so that they are less vulnerable to substitute forms of intimacy and fulfillment; and 3) that just as youth are expected to wait until they are a certain age and have passed driver's training before they receive a driver's license, that they too can save sexual expression for a certain time and place within marriage. God's wedding gift is just that...a gift for husband and wife to enjoy within the divinely designed relationship of marriage. Saving sexual expression for marriage has great benefits. See for yourself... 2~ ARTICLE--"Divine Designs of Marriage" Check out our recent Meridian Magazine column "Divine Designs of Marriage" at: http://www.ldsmag.com/familyconnections/050510sin.html. Here are some highlights from the article: “Marriage is divinely designed as a personal crucible—a refiner’s fire— “'Happily ever after in marriage is possible. It is within reach for allTo read past articles, visit our "In The News" web page at: 3~
Caribbean Cruise
Couples' Caribbean Cruise--Valentine’s Day WeekFor information about additional author events visit our "Events" page: http://www.strengtheningmarriage.com/events.php 4~ NEWS--Weekly Radio Show; DeseretBook.com; Photos, Audio & Video Clips; Quick Poll Question (1) Weekly Radio Show about Intimacy. For more than two months, 5~ READERS' COMMENTS --"Your book tells me HOW to fix the problems!!" "My husband and I have been married for 5 years. We have struggled "My husband told me that what he learned in the book about womenWe welcome you to share your comments at: www.strengtheningmarriage.com/comments.php. 6~ STRAIGHT TALK Q&A--"Why don't I enjoy kissing with my wife?" Question: Why don't I enjoy kissing with my wife? I did before I married her. We loved kissing. But I no longer look forward to kissing my wife. I get tired of it after a few minutes. Often, when we make love, we don't kiss at all. Or rather, I'll kiss her body, but not her lips. It just isn't a priority for me. I want to want to relish the intimacy of kissing my wife, of making sure that she is well-kissed, but I simply can't find any real pleasure out of it anymore. Is this common? How does one recover that delight? Answer: You can rest assured this situation is very common! Kissing and non-sexual touch often experience similar demise after marriage--once we can do more why "settle" for just kissing or for plain old affectionate touch. This may not be the only reason kissing has lost some appeal, but it's a natural progression for the more explosive feelings of sex to outdo the simpler pleasures. You may have to re-learn to consciously choose to enjoy each stage of the lovemaking "journey" for it's own sake, rather than rushing on to the "destination." You might consider doing what I've suggested to many wives who miss having that "plain old affection." Schedule one night a week (or month) for the purpose of re-training yourself to enjoy these simpler pleasures. (This is also one of the steps in the "Sensate Focus" exercises--You can find out more about it in Ch 12 of my book.) If you really want to enjoy kissing again, then let yourself re-learn to do so...! By setting aside time just for kissing, knowing it's not "permissible" for it to go anywhere, can help you learn to stay in the moment of pleasure. If needed, go somewhere where it's possible to make out (like in the backseat of your car), but where it's not so easy to go further, then it won't be as much of a temptation. "Kissing only" sessions can be amazingly transforming in a relationship. Kissing is much more "intimate" than intercourse, therefore it is often easier, less vulnerable, and more comfortable for many people to shy away from kissing. They'd rather intertwine their bodies than their hearts. You can't hide who you are when someone is looking into your eyes, nor can you ignore really seeing the person you're kissing when you are focusing face-to-face. If the "intimacy" of kissing might be an issue, then the emotional intimacy/ friendship between you and your wife may need some work. Unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and your spouse can also ease the anxiety of intimacy. When we don't fully love and accept our total self (the good and the bad) we are not fully capable of giving our full self to another in an intimate relationship. We will always hold something back out of fear. But we do not have to be dependent on another's acceptance of us to give our self to another intimately. If we can achieve unconditional love and acceptance of our self, it will matter little what others think or feel about us. It sounds like you may also have learned to mentally associate "kissing" with being a chore--just like so many women have learned to associate "sex" with being a chore. The steps for both to change are similar. The mental discipline many women need to develop to stay focused within the lovemaking experience is similar to the mental discipline you'll need to re-learn to enjoy "kissing pleasures." Telling your mind to enjoy each kiss, and keeping out the negative mental clutter is key. The mind is a much underdeveloped and underused power. Telling your mind to focus on the enjoyment of every little sensation and touch of kissing is much more helpful than allowing yourself to prove, once again, that you get bored after a few minutes... Remember thoughts are like instructions to the brain, which tell our emotions and bodies how to respond. Consciously choose to only allow thoughts that give positive instructions to the brain. The great ability we each have to train our minds to focus on what we want gives us the power to create any life experience we want. It's the law of the harvest--what we focus our minds on grows, and keeps coming back to us in the form of life experiences. If we believe we'll get bored after a few minutes of kissing then our mind helps us prove ourselves right...we get bored after a few minutes! We have the ability to decide to change that belief to something like "I thoroughly enjoy the intimate experience of kissing my wife, and she enjoys it too," then maintain focus on that thought for as long as it takes to form new mental pathways that support the belief that you "love kissing and that you savor every moment of it!" It's possible that your wife may not enjoy kissing either. Your wife's experience with and response to making out are definitely factors in your experience with kissing. I know of many women who really don't like kissing at all. In fact there are some that are really grossed out by it. Many women can't stand kissing because it always seems to lead to something else. If women would learn to ask (and get) more of the non-sexual touch and affection (including kissing) that they want/need without letting it go anywhere, it would also improve their sexual feelings. Husbands can also plan to give their wives this kind of affection "with no strings attached!" Sex in marriage is a crucible for personal and relationship growth. What if you knew that your sexual problems held the key to the most intimate, passionate sexual relationship you could ever imagine? I suspect we would all see our sexual difficulties in a different light and would be able to address the issues with greater hope and greater resolve. God bless you and your wife in your efforts. 7~
WORDS TO PONDER--Profoundly meaningful sex...
& Take sex
out of Satan's territory "Profoundly meaningful sex is determined more by our self- *****************************************************************************************
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"Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage" is an electronic newsletter designed to strengthen your marriage and family—written by the author of the book "And They Were Not Ashamed—Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment." Visit www.StrengtheningMarriage.com for excerpts and reviews, or to place an order or post a comment. The author welcomes your feedback at Laura@StrengtheningMarriage.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE — If this email was forwarded to you and you would like to subscribe, send an email to Lists@StrengtheningMarriage.com with "Subscribe" on the subject line. Please help us spread the good news about this valuable new resource. UNSUBSCRIBE — To unsubscribe from receiving future information and updates send an email to Lists@StrengtheningMarriage.com with "Unsubscribe" on the subject line. If you receive a duplicate of this email, please let us know. All outgoing messages scanned by Norton AntiVirus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |