"Straight Talk about
Strengthening Marriage!"
Newsletter & Updates -- August 19, 2006
#1 Resource for Marriage Strengthening Education, Products and Services
Come and
meet Laura and hear her speak Live!
...at Brigham Young University Campus Education
Week -- Tuesday, Aug 22 - Friday, Aug 25, 2006 (Provo, Utah).
Meet Laura M. Brotherson, intimacy educator and author; and learn how
you can strengthen your marriage... intimately!
"Laura has a very diplomatic way of presenting
sensitive information
in a non-offensive way. I love her passion for teaching....Laura covers
sensitive topics with humor and sensitivity. She is brave!"
"I can hardly express what has happened to me and my husband
through learning and applying the things you teach. We came to the
conference and decided to attend your class. (Unbeknownst to me
until later, my husband was leaping with joy inside because he
wanted to go to your class but was reluctant to say so first.) It's
been an eye-opening revelation. We've been able to talk about our
differences as a man and woman and likes and dislikes concerning
sexual intimacy, and everything else, like it was the most natural
thing in the world. My husband and I have a renewed, vitalized
affection for each other that is unbelievable. I am so excited about
what I have learned."
"Laura is so dynamic, you can feel her conviction of the possibilities
in marriage."
Brigham Young University Campus Education Week 2006
BYU Campus (Provo, Utah) Campus map: http://map.byu.edu/Map.html
PRESENTER: Laura M. Brotherson, CFLE
SERIES TITLE: "Straight Talk about Strengthening
Tuesday-Friday, 4:30 - 5:25 p.m.
3280-3290 Wilkinson Student Center (WSC)
Wilkinson Center map: http://wilk.byu.edu/thirdfloor.htm
Tues. "The Adventure of Marriage"
Wed. "Understanding the Intricacies of
ONEness in Marriage"
Thurs. "Our Stewardship in MarriageFinding
Mutual Fulfillment"
Fri. "Teaching Your
Children to be Morally Clean and Better
Prepared for Marriage" (D&C 93:40; Moses
To learn more about BYU Education Week:
Web: educationweek.byu.edu

(Laura Brotherson with fellow Education
Week speakers Scott and Angelle Anderson.)
"Straight Talk about
Strengthening Marriage" newsletter and updates
are designed to bless lives, strengthen marriages, and build strong
written by the author of the book "And They Were Not Ashamed
Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment." Visit
www.StrengtheningMarriage.com to learn more. We welcome your personal
feedback at Laura@StrengtheningMarriage.com
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