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"Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage!"
Newsletter and Updates #24 -- February 7, 2007
• Spicing Things Up with Silent Sizzle!
• Couples' Photos Can Win You a Romantic Getaway!
• Upcoming Events -- BYU Family
Outreach Conf (Mar 9); Overcoming Porn Conf
(Mar 10); & Intnl Marriage Enrichment Conf (Jul 12) |
For those of you who are the lower-desire spouse your
Valentine's challenge is to send a silent message of love without
using words. When was the last time you gave your honey the look that
says, "Hey baby, you wanna get lucky!" or "I must be the luckiest woman in
the world to have you as my husband!" What can you do to make your day or
evening together more passionate? Step outside your comfort zone for a
little adventure. How long has it been since you initiated sex? As you let
sizzling thoughts of your spouse simmer in your mind all day, it will be
easier to let your message of love be heard loud and
clear when you have time alone together! Have fun! Be playful! Enjoy
each other and the gift of intimacy you have as husband and wife. For those of you who are the higher-desire spouse your Valentine's challenge is to let your love be heard without any "strings attached." I've heard many spouses say that they hate Valentine's Day because they feel like they really have to "put out!" They feel a lot of pressure, which is a killer of sexual desire. You can take the pressure off by sending your silent message of love and affection without any expectations in return. So, how might you do that? Plan a romantic evening for your spouse with no strings attached! Clear your mind of any sexual expectations, so that there is no psychological pressure for your spouse to perform on Valentine's day. What a gift that might be to your spouse allowing her (or him) to relax and simply enjoy your time together. We'd love to hear how your Valentine's Day went, especially if you took
one of these Valentine's Day challenges! Send us your thoughts at: feedback@strengtheningmarriage.com. |
Your Couples' Photo
One lucky couple will receive a FREE one-night stay at the Anniversary Inn of their choice, in the room of their choice! Enjoy complimentary cheesecake, sparkling cider, and freshly baked breakfast delivered to your door. To enter the drawing, send us your favorite couples photo by Wednesday, February 28th. The winning couple will be drawn and notified in our next newsletter. So grab a digital camera or get a special couples portrait taken for this upcoming Valentine's Day.
Even if you aren't selected as
the winner of this Valentine's giveaway, you can still be a winner by
reserving a room at The Anniversary Inn for you and your sweetheart!
Next to going on our Couples'
Cruises, I'm in love with staying at The Anniversary Inn! Check out all the fun rooms and reserve yours Perfect Marriage NOT Required! We want to continue to build a "Strengthening Marriage" showcase of couples to highlight the marital unit as the vital component of the family and society. You don't have to have a perfect marriage to send us a photo, or we'd have NO photos to post! So, send your favorite photo with your first names, and how many years you've been married to: couplesphotos@strengtheningmarriage.com. We'll post all the new photos before our next
newsletter. You can check out the current "Couples
Photos" page here. |
Valentine's Day is almost here! Learn how to give just the right gift of love to your spouse with this talk on CD "LOVE 101--Learning to Love More Meaningfully." You'll learn how to more effectively fulfill each other's individual needs for love. Make it a date to listen to this seminar together, and see how you can lift your love and happiness in marriage to new heights! Click here to purchase "LOVE 101" Talk on CD
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BYU Family Outreach Conference
Friday, March 9, 2007, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. BYU Campus (Provo, Utah) If you are interested in strengthening marriages
and families then this conference is for YOU! Intimacy educator and
author, Laura M. Brotherson, will be participating in a panel discussion
on the topic of "Employing the Internet to Strengthen Marriages and
Families." Click here to download and listen to Laura's 2005 Family Outreach
entitled: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A More Excellent Hope--Keys to Overcoming
Pornography and Sexual Addiction"
Saturday, March 10, 2007, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. La Quinta Inn, 1454 S. University Ave (Provo, Utah) Sponsored by the LDS Marriage Network This conference on pornography and sexual addiction is designed to offer a variety of approaches for those who struggle with, are spouses of, or minister to those who struggle. Presentations will offer practical, applied, and spiritually based keys to overcoming pornography and sexual addiction. Laura M. Brotherson will be participating in the opening keynote session on the topic of "Hope for Achieving a Healthy Sexual Relationship in Marriage," as well as participating with the panel discussion. Click here for the schedule
and a complete list of the excellent presenters
and topics. For additional information and to register visit: www.AMoreExcellentHope.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 12-15, 2007 (Orlando, Florida)
The Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment (ACME) has an exciting event planned for their annual International Marriage Enrichment Celebration. Laura Brotherson will present one of three Masters Workshops, "Sexy is a State of Mind--Cultivating Sexual Desire for Your Spouse." This conference will be a great opportunity to strengthen your marriage, and have a special couples getaway too! Come dance with us at the Saturday evening Couples Dance. We'll definitely be there as we celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary! Click here for a printable flyer . For more information visit: Click here for
more information on Upcoming
Events. |
Straight Talk Q&A--Can women generally get by
without sex?
Question: Does the average woman want sex, or do they just kind of do it when they are moved along by a man? Can women generally live without sex indefinitely? Answer: I have unfortunately encountered many women who have said they could easily go without sex for the rest of their lives. I could probably have fit into that category myself in the past. These are women who might even have otherwise pretty close and connected marriages. Sex feels like a duty for many women, or is at least a lower priority. Unfortunately I would say that on average most women don't really get into enjoying their sexuality in marriage the way it was intended by God. ( . . . Click HERE for the rest of this Q&A.)Click here for the Straight Talk Q&A Archive
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Stay tuned for more intimacy insights in upcoming Strengthening Marriage Newsletters...! Click here to visit the complete e-Newsletter archive. If you missed the last newsletter, you can catch it here:
"Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage" newsletter and updates are designed to strengthen marriages, and build strong families--written by the author of the book "And They Were Not Ashamed - Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment." Visit www.StrengtheningMarriage.com to learn more. We welcome your feedback at Feedback@StrengtheningMarriage.com SUBSCRIBE - If this email was forwarded to you and you would like to subscribe, send an email to Lists@StrengtheningMarriage.com with "Subscribe" on the subject line. UNSUBSCRIBE - To unsubscribe from receiving future newsletters and updates send an email to Lists@StrengtheningMarriage.com with "Unsubscribe" on the subject line. All outgoing messages scanned by Norton AntiVirus. |