How up-to-date are you and your spouse on what each other is feeling
and thinking? The emotional connection in a marriage is what provides
shelter for couples against the inevitable storms and challenges that life
People learn, grow and change in little ways every day.
Staying connected to your spouse's inner world is a necessary endeavor in
the adventure of marriage.
When we neglect taking the time to
connect emotionally by sharing our hearts and lives, couples begin to feel
distance between them, and unhappiness grows. When staying connected is a
priority, challenges are more easily endured, and marital happiness and
fulfillment increase.
Keeping in touch emotionally not only
feeds the marriage relationship, but also provides the necessary
foundation for sexual intimacy--especially for women. I'm always amazed
when men underestimate the importance of emotional connection not only for
a wife's well-being, but also for her ability to respond sexually.
husbands and wives are hard wired for closeness and connection. We do not
function as successfully without it.
Get Connected Homework!
How well can
you answer the following questions about your spouse? We invite you to
print out this page and spend some time together sharing your answers to
these questions:
- What makes your spouse feel really happy
and alive?
- What are your spouse's
current stresses and worries?
- What or who irritates your
- Who or what most
inspires your spouse?
- What are some of your
spouse's life dreams?
- What are your spouse's
favorite foods or kinds of foods?
- What would your spouse
most like to change about themselves?
- Who are your spouse's
closest friends?
- What is the most
recent thing that made your spouse happy?
- What is the most
recent thing that made your spouse sad or angry?
- What are some of your spouse's biggest
fears or frustrations?
- What would your spouse
want to do if money were no object?
Make it a habit to check in with your spouse emotionally by engaging in
some pillow talk at night, going on a weekly date night, having lunch
together, or touching base with a daily phone call. We'd love to hear from
you about your experience getting connected emotionally.
Read chapter 10 of And They Were Not Ashamed--Strengthening
Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment to learn more about increasing
emotional intimacy.