News #48 -- "Gross Out Your Kids!"
One of the best things you can do for your kids is to love each other! : ) This picture is a fun reminder that while kids may sometimes act "grossed out" by the love and affection you have for each other it actually creates a safe and secure environment for your children when they know that their mom and dad love each other.
Children also develop a healthier sense of their own sexuality when they see love and appropriate affection displayed in the home.
So, remember to keep on kissing and showing your love and affection for each other...even if you gross out your kids! : )
It's the best gift you can give your children!
Click here for the rest of the story...
Gross Out Your Kids with Kissy Pics
Take Her with You -- Flat Wife
A spouse's business trips away from home can be a real concern for a lot of couples! Knowing of the easy potential for thoughts and activities to lead away from one's spouse and family, I loved the idea shared by a reader of what she does to stay connected with her husband while he is away from home... Recently, my husband went to Denver on a work trip. He was going to be gone for a few days, and I knew I would miss him terribly. Since I've never been to Colorado myself, I decided it was time for me to go too!! I had a plan...
A few years ago my son brought home a Flat Stanley (an idea from the Flat Stanley kids' books). As part of the assignment we were to mail Flat Stanley (a paper doll) to friends and family for them to take him with them, and to take pictures to send back to us. What a great idea!
Click here for more pics and the rest of the story...
Sex/Pornography Addiction Recovery Resources
Many individuals and couples struggle with some kind of compulsive behaviors--whether it be overeating, pornography or an emotional affair. Compulsive behaviors are those things that you would like to stop doing, but just don't seem to be able to do so. Because of the many clients I see that struggle with these kinds of issues, I have compiled a repository of resources that can help not only with pornography and other sexual addictions, but also can be applied to other compulsive behaviors as well. I hope you will share this information with those who may want help to break free from the chains of addiction and other compulsive behaviors! Click here for a list of resources and downloadable handouts...
"Emotional Foreplay" Information & Recording
Congratulations! -- Prize Pack Giveaway Winner