What are some of your favorite things about Laura’s new book Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage?
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If you haven’t yet picked up your copy of Knowing HER Intimately you can do so right now at StrengtheningMarriage.com or Amazon.com. Here are just a few more of our favorite reviews:
“She’s done it again! After doing her homework, Laura has taken the latest research in sexuality and condensed it into an easy to read and apply handbook for anyone wanting to better understand what works for women sexually. This book acts like a giant megaphone, broadcasting what women everywhere are trying to say about their unique sexual needs. For those who don’t have the words to describe their experiences, desires and needs, reading this book will give you the language to express yourself more clearly and confidently. For those who do have the words, but continue to feel unheard, it will give you needed validation, comfort, and courage to continue to strive for the ‘sextraordinary’ relationship you so desire.” — Caralee
“While women sometimes struggle with certain aspects of intimacy, and men struggle to understand that struggle, Laura helps woman realize their potential. On that same note, a man reading this book can get ‘insider information’ on a woman’s wiring by reading this book with his wife. Written in easy to understand terms, with a bit of humor thrown in to keep things fun (and isn’t sex suppose to be fun?!), ‘Knowing Her Intimately’ will be kept in my bedside table, right next to Laura’s first book. The ‘homework’ and other writing ‘assignments’ outlined in this book really helped me dig deeper into my own thoughts about intimacy and I found it incredibly insightful!”
— Tracy
Related Information:
- NEW BOOK! – “Knowing HER Intimately”