BYU Required Course Features Laura’s Book


It is very exciting to be included in Brigham Young University’s newest required course Religion C 200 “Eternal Families.” BYU has included an entire section in their course syllabus entitled, “Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment” with information taken from our book And They Were Not Ashamed–Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment.

It’s pretty groundbreaking that BYU would include such a bold section! Sex is certainly a very important part of strong marriages and by extension–strong families. Here’s hoping we may even see an entire BYU course someday on “Marital Sexuality” dedicated to helping couples strengthen their marriages intimately! 😉

You can strengthen your marriage intimately by getting your copy of And They Were Not Ashamed–Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment right here!!


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  • kiss September 9, 2015 at 12:16 am

    Congrats !! That is great news. Sex might not be this top secret thing anymore that no one is allowed to talk about except with their ‘ spouse’ ( my spouse has NEVER talked about sex! Lol) a place where people who need this information can go and learn and ask questions etc and not ‘ feel shame’. You must be so excited!! I’m so excited,… For you! Wonderful news. Kiss in NZ

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