Highlights – “Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land” #1 (Sep 2018)


Click Here – Mini Cruise Photos!

What an incredible “Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land” we had this September 14-15, 2018 in Salt Lake City, Utah at the beautiful Grand America and The Little America hotels. This was our first ever Mini Cruise on Land — that we plan to make a yearly event!

We’ve taken our Couples’ Valentine’s Cruises and created an “on-land” version to make it more affordable and accessible to more couples, incorporating as much of the fun as possible with the lively discussions about sex, Opening and Closing Socials, group dinners and a fun Date Night group “excursion” as well! You can check out all the fun photos from our first Mini Cruise event here!

Couples from the U.S. and Canada married from mere months up to over 50 years joined us for this romantic weekend getaway to learn and discuss how to transform their relationship into a “Sextraordinary” marriage.

Given the feedback we received…this was more than a weekend seminar, more than a marriage retreat, more than a romantic getaway! You might think of it as nearly six hours of sex therapy with a wonderful “support group” element as well. Here’s what some attendees had to say:

“I loved everything! The information was super helpful, and I loved the comments from the other couples too. I mostly loved being in such a safe and comfortable space to discuss such an important topic.”

 “My wife and I looked for many excuses not to come. We thought it might be awkward or uncomfortable, but on the contrary, we learned a lot and felt comfortable the whole time!”

 “As a man, at first I thought… ‘Great! I might finally have a better sexual relationship in my marriage!’ Then I realized all the things I needed to improve on myself to help my wife be able to get in the mood. I’m so thankful for attending.”

 “The best ‘Big talk’ ever!”

 “Loved the open, frank, and light-hearted way Laura engaged the topics and made it comfortable and accessible for everyone.”

 “The homework is actually fun! (How often can you say that?!?)”

 “Laura is profoundly knowledgeable in teaching about such an ‘unspeakable’ subject. She is tasteful, fun and down to earth. It was worth every dollar and minute!”

Marriage Seminar Topics

Some of the topics we discussed during this weekend retreat were:

  • Foundations of Intimacy and Attachment — Accessibility-Responsiveness-Connection (ARC)
  • Learning Your Love Language
  • Sexual Wiring Differences
  • 5 Keys to a Sextraordinary Marriage
  • Factors that Affect Desire
  • Knowing HIM Sexually
  • Knowing HER Intimately – 12 T’s of a Sextraordinary Marriage
  • Bridges to Desire
  • Arousal Helpers
  • Brakes and Accelerators

“Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land” – HOMEWORK

To provide you with an idea of some of the more specific things we talked about in the marriage seminars, here are a few of the homework items given to couples. Some of these were for the couples to work on during the weekend and some were to do when they got home.

  • 1 – Finish your Love Language lists then do things on your spouse’s list everyday
  • 2 – Identify your Bridges to Desire and try them out
  • 3 – Try out some of the B-R-A-V-E Arousal Helpers
  • 4 – Do the 9 Core Emotion Exercise for connection
  • 5 – Do some of the Couples’ Questions
  • 6 – Do the “20 Questions – Conversation Starter about Sex”
  • 7 – Try Auditory Arousal
  • 8 – Discuss the “Fuel for Female Desire” (Rocket Diagram)
  • 9 – Identify your Accelerators and Brakes
  • 10 – Discuss your favorite concepts…what stands out in your mind?

Next “Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land” (#2) – Weekend Getaway – September 2019

Don’t miss out on our next “Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land” #2 – September 2019 in Park City, Utah. Be sure you are subscribed to our “Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage” newsletter so we can send you all the details. If you can’t make it on one of our Couples’ Cruises then this is your next best option for creating a Sextraordinary Marriage!

Next Couples’ Cruise (#7) – February 2020

So that you can start saving and planning now, our next Couples’ Valentine’s Cruise will be February 2020 (and every February of even years). We hope you will plan now to join us! It’s gonna be another awesome adventure!!

We’ll finalize the details for this cruise by the end of September 2018. Be sure you are receiving our newsletters so you’ll be the first to know! If you don’t want to miss out on this next cruise, contact us to get on the Feb 2020 wait list!

“Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land” — Feedback 

Check out more of the favorite things and fabulous feedback we’ve received from our first ever “Mini Couples’ Cruise on Land.”

  • As I am passionate about sexuality, I had already read both of your books and a few other books you recommend in your books before I went to the workshop, so I was already familiar with a lot of the information discussed. However, two things happened by attending your workshop that I really appreciated. First, the opportunity to hear from other couples firsthand about their challenges and find them to be very similar was very comforting and encouraging. Second, having my wife with me in the workshop was great. She is not generally as interested as me in sexuality. In fact sometimes I feel like the Good Girl Syndrome keeps her away from openly discussing sexuality within our marriage. But after we came back and discussed our experience she feels way more comfortable now discussing this topic. It is like she was given permission to see that it is OK to discuss and experiment with sexuality within our marriage…and to me that made the whole trip especially worthwhile!
  • Such great info to help us understand ourselves and our spouses better, and to be able to work together toward a much happier marriage.
  • I liked the freedom that we all felt to be able to share ideas and ask questions about such a delicate subject without embarrassment or shame.
  • I loved the insights from other couples gleaned from their questions, experiences and how Laura would respond and shed additional light on things.
  • I really enjoyed talking about things in this group setting and the open discussion format. I believe this will help our relationship a lot. It helped me to know that I am not the only one struggling.
  • I appreciated that these “taboo” topics were discussed so openly, and that we were encouraged to step out of our comfort zones. I was originally terrified to attend. I was afraid I’d feel incompetent as a wife – Boy was I wrong!
  • I loved how comfortable I actually felt during the seminars despite the topic. Sharing comments in this group setting about something so “private” was surprisingly easy. I loved all the content. I loved everything I learned. Laura’s material is awesome!
  • Laura was so approachable and personable. I could feel her acceptance for where I’m at. I realized I’m normal and can get more “whole.”
  • I loved all the exercises we did as a couple to apply what we were learning. I loved the Homework! I appreciate going home with tools to strengthen our marriage! The homework assignments, worksheets and practices all helped me really change my paradigm about sex.
  • The atmosphere in general was so liberating to have such open discussion about such sensitive yet important topics.
  • I loved just being able to connect with my spouse! It was such a great, unique way to get away with my sweetheart! I loved learning how to be more connected, not just sexually but emotionally as well!
  • I had so much fun at the escape room activity with all the couples. It was the best date night we’ve had in a long time.
  • The group environment kinda “forced” us all to consider important questions and process them together as a couple rather than waiting to see if we would actually deal with it when we got back home.
  • I loved getting to know the other couples. The escape room was awesome and so were the group dinners! It helped me realize that strong happy couples invest time and $ to make their marriages better.
  • I loved the seminars but didn’t do the extra events. We wish now we would have done the extra activities with the other couples.
  • I loved the extra treats in the gift bag – yummy chocolates and bedroom treats as well!
  • I loved the safe Christian environment with a trusted teacher to help us discuss these topics. I loved the whole ambience.
  • I’d definitely recommend that couples take the time and spend the money and effort to invest in their marriage. It’s the best thing we’ve done in a long time.
  • Every couple should attend a live Laura Brotherson event! Everyone needs this information.
  • It’s not just about Sex! It will help your overall relationship. You can grow so much in just two days!
  • We put effort into learning to be better parents, professionals, leaders and citizens. There are not a lot of good resources to learn how to be better lovers and partners in marriage. This is training for a healthy marriage and a fulfilling sex life. It was amazing and so are the results!!

CLICK—for Mini Cruise Photos
CLICK—for more information on our first Mini Cruise event

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