Win a Romantic Getaway with Couples Photo

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One lucky couple will receive a FREE one-night stay at the Anniversary Inn of their choice, in the theme room of their choice, (valued between $169 – $289) for sending us their couple photo. To enter the drawing, send us one of your favorite photos of you and your spouse by Friday, March 14th (though we’ll welcome your photo anytime!). Grab a digital camera or get a special couples portrait taken. The winning couple’s names will be drawn, and will be announced in our next next “Straight Talk about Strengthening Marriage” newsletter.

You don’t have to have a perfect marriage to send us a photo, or we’d have NO photos to post! So, send us your favorite photo (uncropped, 200dpi minimum, to with your first names, and how many years you’ve been married. Even if you’ve sent us a photo before, we’d love to post a new one.

With our Couples Photos page we are continuing to build a showcase of couples who are committed to strengthening their marriage intimately. It’s a reminder to all that the marital unit is the vital foundation of the family and society.

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