• How to Be Happy!

    How to Be Happy!

    I have to share one of the favorite things I learned from attending The Women’s Information Network (The WIN) Launch event last weekend. Paula Fellingham, Founder and CEO of The WIN and host of the WIN show “The Joy Show” shared eight ways to be

    on Oct 3, 2009 • with No Comments

  • KSL Video – Characteristics of a Healthy Sexual Relationship

    KSL Video – Characteristics of a Healthy Sexual Relationship

    Laura M. Brotherson, author and intimacy expert, discusses four characteristics of a healthy sexual relationship in marriage with hosts Brooke Walker and Darin Adamson on the KSL TV “Studio 5” show (Sept ’09). How would you define a healthy sexual relationship in marriage? While there

    on Sep 25, 2009 • with 16 Comments

  • The Women’s Information Network (The WIN)

    The Women’s Information Network (The WIN)

    The Women’s Information Network (The WIN) — “The Online Home for All Women, All Ages” — is the premier media and social network for women. The WIN is strengthening women and families worldwide with a team of nearly 200 show hosts who are experts in

    on Sep 22, 2009 • with No Comments

  • Women’s Sexual Intimacy Workshop

    Women’s Sexual Intimacy Workshop

      “Cultivating Sexual Desire in Marriage” Women’s Workshop Wednesday, October 7 (Salt Lake City, Utah) Presented by Julie DeAzevedo Hanks, MSW, LCSW If you’re looking for an opportunity to learn how to strengthen your marriage intimately, my good friend, Julie deAzevedo Hanks, is holding a

    on Sep 21, 2009 • with No Comments

  • Amazing Intimacy Couples Workshop

    Amazing Intimacy Couples Workshop

    Amazing Intimacy Couples Workshop — “Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Intimacy” Saturday, October 24 (Layton, Utah) Presented by Emil Harker, MS, LMFT Marriage and family therapist, Emil Harker, provides an entertaining, frank and spiritual exploration of the elements of intimacy, and the road to mutually satisfying

    on Sep 20, 2009 • with No Comments

  • The Good Girl Syndrome

    The Good Girl Syndrome

    What is the Good Girl Syndrome? The Good Girl Syndrome is the negative or unproductive thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and feelings about sex that inhibit one’s responsiveness and enjoyment of the sexual relationship in marriage. The Good Girl Syndrome is often manifest as feelings of

    on Jul 29, 2009 • with 41 Comments

  • Affair Proofing Your Marriage, Part II

    Affair Proofing Your Marriage, Part II

    In part I of “Affair Proofing Your Marriage” we discussed: being introspective, and developing greater self-awareness; avoiding selfishness; communicating openly in marriage about anything; acknowledging and discussing attractions to others with your spouse; and avoiding secrecy. In this segment we will continue our discussion of

    on Jul 28, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • Celebrating 18 Years!

    Celebrating 18 Years!

    Today Kevin and Laura celebrate 18 years of marriage, and look forward to the rest of forever…! Some of the Best Things about Marriage Having a best friend Learning how to think about and care for someone other than yourself Having adorable children (my daughter

    on Jul 19, 2009 • with 4 Comments

  • Famous Family Nights — New Book-Contribution

    Famous Family Nights — New Book-Contribution

    Some time ago the author of the upcoming book Famous Family Nights asked me to write a little bit about Family Home Evenings (FHE) in our home to be featured in a book with other “famous” LDS personalities. (I think she’s stretching the “famous” thing

    on Jul 16, 2009 • with No Comments

  • Affair Proofing Your Marriage, Part I

    Affair Proofing Your Marriage, Part I

    News of marital infidelity among politicians, celebrities or anyone, for that matter, is heartrending. Hearts are broken, and lives and careers are destroyed. Everyone involved ultimately suffers. It’s not just the news that attests to the need for some discussion of this subject. It’s also

    on Jul 7, 2009 • with 14 Comments

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