• Understanding Your Husband’s Psyche

    Understanding Your Husband’s Psyche

    Relationship Coach Matt Townsend shares some great tips for better understanding and romancing your man on his KSL “Studio 5” television appearance. If you want to better understand the male psyche check out this hilarious video clip! Two of the key points are: Men bond

    on Feb 16, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • “How We Met” Story #13 — Morgan & Elisa

    “How We Met” Story #13 — Morgan & Elisa

    Morgan and Elisa Married 4 Years Morgan and I met in 2003 when we both started working at the Sears Call Center. We were in the same training class, and all of us in the class quickly became friends. We spent the summer hanging out

    on Feb 16, 2009 • with No Comments

  • “How We Met” Story #12 — Jamie & Tara

    “How We Met” Story #12 — Jamie & Tara

    Jamie and Tara’s Story (According to Tara) Married 2 Years It was a warm Saturday night and the Salt Lake Valley was alive with barbecues and college parties. The date was May 20th, 2005 and I was with the ultimate party girl, my cousin &#

    on Feb 16, 2009 • with No Comments

  • “How We Met” Story #11 — Gary & Valerie

    “How We Met” Story #11 — Gary & Valerie

    Gary and Valerie Married 18 Years She’s #1 out of 139 Gary was doing his best to get married by dating a lot. In fact, being the nerd that he is, Gary kept track of all the girls he took out. He dated 139 different

    on Feb 16, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • “How We Met” Story #10 — Rod & Angela

    “How We Met” Story #10 — Rod & Angela

    Rod and Angela Married 11 1/2 years Rod and I first met in Boise, Idaho at a church institute student ward activity where he was teaching the group how to country dance. We were both dating other people at the time, so we thought nothing

    on Feb 14, 2009 • with No Comments

  • “How We Met” Story #9 — Matthew & Jia

    “How We Met” Story #9 — Matthew & Jia

    Matthew and Jia Married 5 years HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY! It was December 1998, and my best friend Molly had spent the previous week telling me, in great detail, about her new crush. “He’s charming, brilliant, gorgeous and funny!&#

    on Feb 14, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • VIDEO CLIP — Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives

    VIDEO CLIP — Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives

    Click here to see a clip of Laura Brotherson on Utah’s KSL “Studio 5” show, Friday, February 13, 2009 (courtesy of KSL). Laura and host, Brooke Walker, discussed some of the “Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives.” Sexually Satisfied Wives… Embrace their sexuality Get educated sexually

    on Feb 13, 2009 • with No Comments

  • “How We Met” Story #8 — Dave & Heidi

    “How We Met” Story #8 — Dave & Heidi

    Dave and Heidi Married 6 years   Dave and I briefly met around the Holidays in 2001. We made no impression on each other, and in fact, he was at my house because my roommate liked him

    on Feb 12, 2009 • with No Comments

  • Share Your Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives

    Share Your Secrets of Sexually Satisfied Wives

    QUESTION: How would you describe a sexually satisfied wife? QUESTION: What would it take to be a sexually satisfied wife? I’m making a quick trip to Utah for a TV appearance on KSL’s “Studio 5” show Friday, February 13 from 11 – 12 noon (channel

    on Feb 11, 2009 • with 13 Comments

  • “How We Met” Story #7 — Ed & Margaret

    “How We Met” Story #7 — Ed & Margaret

    Ed and Margaret Married 47 years How We Met   Margaret was just a young 15-year-old girl in my church congregation up in Calgary, Alberta when I first joined the LDS Church back in 1956 at the age of 19. Several years later Margaret was

    on Feb 11, 2009 • with No Comments

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