Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

  • MIS #049—What’s Up with the Bait and Switch in Marriage? — Q&A, Part 1

    MIS #049—What’s Up with the Bait and Switch in Marriage? — Q&A, Part 1

    In this episode #049 “What’s Up with the Bait and Switch in Marriage? — Q&A, Part 1,” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson addresses the question about how a wife seems to change intimacy-wise from pre- to post-marriage. Laura

    on Oct 20, 2010 • with No Comments

  • The Beneficial Effects of Marriage

    The Beneficial Effects of Marriage

    THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF MARRIAGE There is something transformative about marriage. Even the anticipation of getting married changes people’s behavior. Men, in particular (Waite & Gallagher, 2001, p. 54; Nock, 2005, pp. 20-21), are less likely to drink or take drugs or engage in risky

    on Oct 20, 2010 • with No Comments

  • MIS #048—The Importance, Inhibitors and Intricacies of Intimacy

    MIS #048—The Importance, Inhibitors and Intricacies of Intimacy

    In this episode #048 “The Importance, Inhibitors and Intricacies of Intimacy,” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson discusses the “3 I’s of Intimacy” — the Importance, the Inhibitors, and the Intricacies, and how the book, And They Were Not

    on Oct 12, 2010 • with No Comments

  • MIS #047—Good Girls Do! Countering the Good Girl Syndrome in Marriage

    MIS #047—Good Girls Do! Countering the Good Girl Syndrome in Marriage

    In this episode #047 “Good Girls Do! Countering the Good Girl Syndrome in Marriage,” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson shares a resource to help couples identify and overcome negative conditioning about sex and be able to say, “Yes!

    on Oct 5, 2010 • with No Comments

  • MIS #046—Why I Wrote the Book ‘And They Were Not Ashamed– Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment’

    MIS #046—Why I Wrote the Book ‘And They Were Not Ashamed– Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment’

    In this episode #046 “Why I Wrote the Book ‘And They Were Not Ashamed– Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment,’”  on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson discusses the void she felt existed for couples to be able to strengthen their

    on Sep 28, 2010 • with No Comments

  • The Marriage Pledge

    The Marriage Pledge

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful for all couples to be fully aware of the demands and delights of marriage, and for them to willingly agree to commit to the required responsibilities? The expectations in marriage would no longer be such a surprise, and the transition from

    on Sep 21, 2010 • with 1 Comment

  • MIS #045—Raising the Bar on Date Night

    MIS #045—Raising the Bar on Date Night

    In this episode #045 “Raising the Bar on Date Night” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson discusses four rules for stepping it up a notch. Date night is simply one of the best things couples can do for their

    on Sep 21, 2010 • with No Comments

  • MIS #044—No, May Not Always Mean No

    MIS #044—No, May Not Always Mean No

    In this episode #044 “No, May Not Always Mean No” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson shares a big secret–especially for husbands who may not fully realize how their wives are wired sexually. Play in new window |

    on Sep 14, 2010 • with 1 Comment

  • Questions for “Let’s Play 20 Questions”

    Questions for “Let’s Play 20 Questions”

    Here are the questions from The Marital Intimacy Show episode #043 — “Let’s Play 20 Questions.” To help make it easier for you and your spouse to talk about your sexual relationship I encourage you to play this little game called “20 Questions–Your Conversation Starter

    on Sep 7, 2010 • with No Comments

  • MIS #043—Let’s Play 20 Questions

    MIS #043—Let’s Play 20 Questions

    In this episode #043 “Let’s Play 20 Questions” on “The Marital Intimacy Show,” marriage and intimacy expert, Laura M. Brotherson helps couples make it easier for them to start a fun and valuable conversation about their sexual relationship. You’ll receive Laura’s list “20 Questions–Your Conversation

    on Sep 7, 2010 • with No Comments

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