Archive for the ‘Honeymoon’ Category

  • BYU Article-“From No, No, No to Go, Go, Go”

    BYU Article-“From No, No, No to Go, Go, Go”

      Laura Brotherson was interviewed for an article recently published by Brigham Young University’s The Daily Universe student newspaper: Some Latter-day Saints reject exclusively “thou shall not” teachings on sexual intimacy By Allie Hamilton November 5, 2015 Daily Universe, Brigham Young University Marriage and sex

    on Nov 5, 2015 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Patient with Me

    Honeymoon Story — Patient with Me

    Our Honeymoon Story When we got to the hotel room after the reception, I started freaking out. How could what I was expected to do now possibly be okay? It had been bad and wrong for so long!! I actually ended up being curled up

    on Nov 17, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Open and Anxious to Learn

    Honeymoon Story — Open and Anxious to Learn

    Honeymoon Happy Story When my husband and I first got engaged we tried to have “the talk” about sexual intimacy and expectations. We were both really shy and the night that we discussed things basically ended in, “Well, I have never been naked in front

    on Nov 6, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Unnecessary Fear of Pain

    Honeymoon Story — Unnecessary Fear of Pain

    Honeymoon Happy Story Wow! What a great topic to add to your website. My daughter is getting married, and she is, of course, curious, interested, and a little worried about what her honeymoon night will be like. This is so important that women especially understand

    on Nov 5, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Lots of Reading and Discussing

    Honeymoon Story — Lots of Reading and Discussing

    Honeymoon Happy Story My husband and I had dated for many years before we got married. We were the best of friends and were really excited to start our life together. I had studied Human Sexuality in college and had two degrees in Human Relation

    on Nov 4, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Pain and Negative Feelings

    Honeymoon Story — Pain and Negative Feelings

    Honeymoon Horror Story I have struggled with sexual intimacy since getting married almost 10 years ago. We have only had intercourse a handful of times since getting married–something I am pretty embarrassed about. I feel so guilty that this area of our relationship is not

    on Nov 3, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — A Good Start

    Honeymoon Story — A Good Start

    Honeymoon Happy Story In preparation for our honeymoon we spent a lot of time talking about things, but not as much in person as most people. We met online and talked morning and night for months. Thankfully it worked out! (We just celebrated our 15th

    on Nov 1, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — He Focused on Me

    Honeymoon Story — He Focused on Me

    Honeymoon Happy StoryOur honeymoon was fabulous! After 30 years of marriage I still look back on our first night with very fond memories, that bring a smile to my face AND our sex life is still going strong!  I have to give credit to my husband

    on Oct 31, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Wedge Between Us

    Honeymoon Story — Wedge Between Us

    Honeymoon Horror StoryMy story is not a good one. When my husband was growing up he had some friends who were not the best influence on him. They had found some pornographic videos, which they all watched. Because of the things he saw in those

    on Oct 29, 2014 • with No Comments

  • Honeymoon Story — Something to Celebrate

    Honeymoon Story — Something to Celebrate

    I remember that my husband and I (fiance at the time) were really open about sex. Obviously we had to set boundaries and tried to make sure that when we were reading your book And They Were Not Ashamed that we were in a public place.

    on Oct 21, 2014 • with No Comments

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