Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

  • Taking the Heat for Marriage

    Taking the Heat for Marriage

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equality means that any man and woman who wants to marry can do so. Any other combinations are going to have to find something else to call it, since “marriage” is already taken. Marriage was defined and created by God. It’s not up for

    on Apr 21, 2009 • with 10 Comments

  • The Centerfold Syndrome

    The Centerfold Syndrome

    Male Sexual Socialization In doing some research, I stumbled onto some fascinating insights about men and their sexual socialization. With the advent of Viagra-type products, there is an increasingly reductionistic and medicalized focus on the sexual functioning of body parts while ignoring the relational aspects

    on Apr 5, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • Top 10 Women’s Blogs

    Top 10 Women’s Blogs

    What a delightful surprise to find that “Laura’s Strengthening Marriage Blog” was selected as one of the Top 10 Best “Love” Blogs for women by the website. I was in good company with other blogs from “Understanding Men” to Glamour magazine

    on Apr 4, 2009 • with No Comments

  • “Cultivating Sexual Desire” — Women’s Workshop

    “Cultivating Sexual Desire” — Women’s Workshop

    My good friend, Julie de Azevedo Hanks, is holding a monthly “Cultivating Sexual Desire in Marriage” workshop for women. This is a great way for women to learn to embrace sexuality and find greater fulfillment in their marriages

    on Apr 1, 2009 • with 25 Comments

  • Help for Husbands Stranded in the Sexual Desert

    Help for Husbands Stranded in the Sexual Desert

    Help for Husbands Stranded in the Sexual Desert by Mark Chamberlain Aaron was crying, too, as he drew Katy close to him and held her. Then he looked her in the eyes and said, “I hope that in time you’ll find it in your heart

    on Mar 2, 2009 • with 150 Comments

  • Winner of Romantic Getaway

    Winner of Romantic Getaway

    We’re thrilled to announce the winners of our 2009 Valentine’s Getaway to the romantic Anniversary Inn. The lucky winner of the random drawing was Josef and Krista

    on Feb 27, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • “How We Met” Story #20 — Chris & Jackie

    “How We Met” Story #20 — Chris & Jackie

    Chris and Jackie Married 5 Years In Love and At War We tell people that we have a unique story. Not because we are very different, but because of the circumstances under which we met and fell in love. It’s what movies and romance novels

    on Feb 27, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • “How We Met” Story #19 — Eric & Terry

    “How We Met” Story #19 — Eric & Terry

    Eric and Terry Married 31 Years   After being engaged three different times in about a year and a half, I met Eric. As we were getting acquainted, when we first met at a church dance, I found out he was going to Ogden the

    on Feb 26, 2009 • with No Comments

  • “How We Met” Story #18 — Fred & Analisa

    “How We Met” Story #18 — Fred & Analisa

    Fred and Analisa Married 29 1/2 years   I met my future wife, Analisa, at a BYU singles ward that I attended after I got off of my mission. My older brother, Vincent, was going to the ward, so I tagged along with him. During

    on Feb 24, 2009 • with 1 Comment

  • “How We Met” Story #17 — Chad & Naomi

    “How We Met” Story #17 — Chad & Naomi

    Chad and Naomi Married 5 1/2 Years   Chad and I met in college in May 2002 when I took over his student government position. I called him to learn about what the position entailed. During our meeting he interrupted me to tell me that

    on Feb 24, 2009 • with 1 Comment

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