In support of our fellow marriage-strengthening friends at the Happy Wives Club who are encouraging everyone to start a trend and create a list of reasons we love, adore and cherish our husbands, here is part 2 (#8 – #14) of my never-ending list of why I love my husband…!
My Never-Ending List of Why I Love My Husband (part 2) …
#8 — I really like my honey ‘cuz he’s super funny sometimes when you least expect it…like when he’s getting the camera ready for family pictures at Christmas!
#9 — I really like my husband ‘cuz he makes dinner on Sundays!
#10 — I really like my husband ‘cuz he washed my car for me so it now looks all nice and sparkly clean!
#11 — I really like my honey ‘cuz he lets me sleep in on the weekend sometimes!
#12 — I really like how well Kevin serves in his church calling as sports director!
#13 — I really like it when Kev takes my hand when we’re walking somewhere!
#14 — I really like it when my honey says nice things about me when he gives a talk in church! : )
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About the Author: Laura M. Brotherson
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Certified Sex Therapist, Laura M. Brotherson is the founder of "The Marital Intimacy Institute"" with a mission to help couples create "sextraordinary" marriages. She counsels with couples and individuals in private practice (and online) and is passionate about helping couples navigate the intricacies of intimacy--specializing in healthy sexuality, sex therapy, and sex addiction. She is the author of the best-selling book And They Were Not Ashamed — Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment, Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage, and her latest book --From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After: 23 Keys to Prepare for a Sextraordinary Marriage, with nearly 100,000 copies sold. She also has a fabulous online course for women to help them develop their "Sexual Wholeness."
As a Certified Family Life Educator, Laura is also actively engaged in helping to build strong marriages and families by providing marriage education through Couples Cruises, articles, newsletters, radio and television broadcasts, "The Marital Intimacy Show" podcasts, and presenting at conferences and workshops. Laura is a regular contributor to the KSL Television "Studio 5" morning show.
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