Make Your Marriage Even Better—How I Can Help

laura-clcc-book-800pxWith the New Year beginning we have some exciting new services coming!

Below is an overview of the Counseling Services I currently offer as well as my Self-Help Educational Products. I hope you will find some options here that can help you make your marriage better than ever this coming year!

Click Here for Details about each of these products and services including some of the pros and cons of each! Due to the wait list for my counseling/consulting services, I have had to adjust my fees and have added self-help options to get you started while you are waiting.

We’re especially excited about the upcoming “Q&A Live with Laura” sessions we plan to start in March. I hope to be able to respond to those that I have not yet been able to respond to.

Laura’s Counseling/Consulting Services

  1. In-office Counseling Session
  2. Phone Session
  3. Skype/Video Conferencing Session
  4. Email Consultation

Self-Help Educational Products

  1. Book — And They Were Not Ashamed–Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment
  2. Podcasts — The Marital Intimacy Show
  3. Articles & Blog Posts
  4. Video/YouTube — Marriage Messages
  5. TeleConference Q&A Sessions (…coming soon!)
  6. Marital Intimacy Therapy Sessions (…coming soon!)

Click here for a pdf doc with additional details on Laura’s Counseling Services and Self-Help Educational Products.

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