“How We Met” Story #10 — Rod & Angela


Rod and Angela

Married 11 1/2 years

Rod and I first met in Boise, Idaho at a church institute student ward activity where he was teaching the group how to country dance. We were both dating other people at the time, so we thought nothing of each other until we saw each other again at church and realized we had some very significant things in common.

We were both fluent in American Sign Language, and had a mutual deaf friend that started coming to our church ward. I loved to dance, so being that he could dance–and dance WELL–I might add, we had one more thing in common. Then when I heard him sing and play his guitar…well, that was it, and here we are 12 years later!

Actually, Rod was very persistent and fell in love with me before I knew how I really felt about him. My reticence explained itself, as I had a strong feeling to go serve a full-time mission for our church. I left for 18 months, wrote to Rod once and never heard back.

So I wrote him off, until I came home and found him anxious for my return. (His lame excuse for not writing back?…He just hates to write letters. Sheesh!) I arrived home in March of 1997, got engaged in June, and married in the Boise, Idaho LDS temple on August 16th!

I have to tell you about our proposal. It was great! I was a BYU Especially for Youth (EFY) counselor that summer and had to fly to Utah for some training. When I returned and got off the plane, there waiting for me was a long line of guys, friends from our student ward, about 11 of them including my dad and 2 brothers–all holding long-stemmed red roses!

As I walked, they each gave me a rose and a hug. Rod was at the very end and gave me the 12th red rose. Then with his guitar in hand, he sat me down and serenaded me in the middle of the airport with the song, “It’s Your Love” by Tim McGraw. Of course, then he got on one knee and asked me to be his wife. We had a huge audience of family, friends, passengers from my flight, and on-lookers. It was an amazing night!

How We Keep Our Marriage Strong

To keep our marriage strong we make weekly date nights a priority, and we make sure to nurture our intimacy! (Which all comes down to selflessness.) In a celestial marriage institute class we took when we were first married, we learned that the single root cause of marital destruction is SELFISHNESS.

Whenever we have struggles in our relationship, it has always been because one or both of us was being selfish in some way or another. When we recognize it and put each other first, that’s when the magic happens.

Eleven and a half years, and four children later; we’ve survived a lot of ups and downs, and stand strong and happy together!

For more about Angela and how she strengthens families, visit http://thecreativehomemaker.com.


This is one of the “How We Met” stories featured here on “Laura’s Strengthening Marriage Blog.” You can enter to win a Romantic Getaway to The Anniversary Inn by sending us a favorite photo of you and your spouse, and/or a wedding or engagement photo, by Saturday, February 14th, 2009. Tell us the story of how you met, how many years you’ve been married, plus something you do to strengthen your marriage (500 words or less). Send your photo and story here. We’d love to receive your story and your photos even if it is after February 14th!


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