Laura’s Radio Interview with Matt Townsend

Matt Townsend is a pretty funny guy! Loved the name he gave me, “The Queen of Marital Intimacy!” Cute Matt! It was a treat to be a guest on his BYU Radio program “The Matt Townsend Show” on SiriusXM satellite radio on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. (Mountain Time).

We Get to Talk about Sex!

Of course we got to talk about sex and stuff…! So you’ll definitely want to check out the audio here and get some great tips for strengthening your marriage intimately. You’ll hear him start introducing my segment around 21:00 minutes, then I join the show around 25:00 if you want to skip to the good stuff!…sorry Matt! : )

Here are some of the fun things we talk about:

  • From no, no, no to go, go, go!!!
  • Preparing for the honeymoon
  • The Good Girl Syndrome
  • Preparing for the intimate relationship in marriage
  • Dangers of sexual dissatisfaction
  • Making intimacy a priority
  • One of the “T’s” of the female sexual response — Teasing/Playfulness
  • Getting better educated about sex
  • Sexual “incompatibility”
  • How to talk about sex as a couple
  • How to talk to our kids about sex
  • Making the intimate relationship a matter of prayer
  • Stretching to strengthen your marriage sexually

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