We’ve received nearly 700 responses from our Male Sexuality Survey thus far (1/10/19 thru 2/1/19). How awesome is that?! If you haven’t yet taken our Male Sexuality Survey, there is still time as it will stay open for at least a few more weeks. You can find out how to take the survey by scrolling to the bottom of this page. Here are just some of the initial results from the survey:
(Click on the images to view full size)

It’s nice to have some insights from women as well!

It is nice to have a full range of ages that have responded to this survey.

It’s also cool to have respondents with such a full range of “years married.”

59% respondents are having sex 1-4+ times/week while 41% are having sex 3 times/month or less.

95% of respondents would prefer to be having sex 1-4+ times per week; while 5% would prefer to be having sex 3 times a month or less.

That’s quite a range of comfort levels in discussing sex with one’s spouse.

Interesting to note that most men rated themselves and their “elevator music” an 8 on the scale (21%) with 81% of men rating themselves at a 5 or higher on the 0-10 scale.

That’s pretty impressive that over 54% of respondents rated their satisfaction with their sexual relationship at a 7 or higher on the 0-10 scale.
*The survey is now closed*
Stay tuned for additional survey results in our upcoming newsletters and in our next book!
About the Author: Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST, CFLE
Laura M. Brotherson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist, Author and Founder of "The Marital Intimacy Institute" with a mission to help couples create "sextraordinary" marriages. She counsels with individuals, couples and families in private practice (and online) and is passionate about helping couples navigate the intricacies of intimacy. She is a pioneer in the field of healthy sexuality especially for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and is a trusted expert on this delicate topic.
Laura shares her passion for building strong marriages and families as the author of the best-selling books, And They Were Not Ashamed — Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment, Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage, and her latest book --From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After: 23 Keys to Prepare for a Sextraordinary Marriage. with nearly 100,000 total copies sold. She also has a fabulous online course for women to help them develop their "Sexual Wholeness."
As a Certified Family Life Educator, Laura is also actively engaged in helping to build strong marriages and families by providing marriage education through Couples Cruises, articles, newsletters, radio and television broadcasts, "The Marital Intimacy Show" podcasts, and presenting at conferences and workshops. Laura is a regular contributor to the KSL Television "Studio 5" morning show.
She and her husband, Kevin, have been married 29 years, have three grown children and are the founders of "StrengtheningMarriage.com" — your trusted resource for education, products and services to strengthen marriages… intimately!
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54% rating their satisfaction 7 or higher is not impressive in my book. In most schools that’s an F.