National Magazine Profile — “How I Took the Taboo Out of Sex”

First magazine cover sample First magazine article image

A few months ago I received a press request by a writer for the women’s magazine First to do an interview with someone who had overcome an intimacy challenge. They wanted the story for their “Private Confidence” column. I recommended the couple who had joined me for a TV appearance back in September 2008.

Heidie Lee and her husband Chris not only did a great job on the TV appearances, but apparently did a really great job with this magazine interview, as the writers/editors were able to produce a pretty awesome column. They even came to Heidie and Chris’s home to take pictures of them for the story. A darling photo of Chris and Heidie are included with the article.

How I Took the Taboo Out of Sex


The title of the article is, “How I Took the Taboo Out of Sex–And Transformed my Marriage!” In it Heidie shares her story of overcoming her difficulty in expressing herself inside the bedroom, as well as outside the bedroom. She talks about the role the book, And They Were Not Ashamed–Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment played in her ability to overcome her inhibitions and transform her marriage.

In sharing her experience about looking for a book to help her she confided, “I didn’t need a manual of sex positions–I needed something that went deeper.” She pulled the book And They Were Not Ashamed off the shelf, and was surprised to find this statement that resonated with her, “You must consciously decide to enjoy sex.” She knew that was true, and realized that those thoughts never even crossed her mind in the course of a day. She shares additional fun experiences they had in doing the homework from the book, and how their intimate relationship over time has been healed.

Outsmarting the Good Girl Syndrome


The magazine editor also included a sidebar interview with me about the book, and some of my suggestions for others who may be struggling with intimacy issues. The sidebar article is titled, “Outsmarting the Good Girl Syndrome.” In it you’ll find some suggestions for overcoming inhibitions and learning to engage more fully in lovemaking. Mental foreplay, touch homework and removing mental weeds are some of the suggestions shared in the article.

Get Your Copy!

The article is found on page 106-107 of the July 13, 2009 issue of the “First–for Women” magazine, which will be in your local grocery store or newsstands on Monday, June 22, 2009. Be sure to get yourself a copy, and let us know what you thought about the article. (The magazine cover photo above is not the issue with our article, but provides an idea of what the cover will look like.)

A Special Thanks


A special thanks to Heidie for her willingness to talk with the magazine people and be open with her experiences. Those who are familiar with this blog will know Heidie by the screen name SimplySweetMarriage. Heidie continues to share what she has learned, and also helps to strengthen marriages intimately with their online resource for intimacy products, apparel and such at

I’m sure many will benefit from Heidie’s efforts and her courage in allowing herself to be interviewed for this story. And thanks also to her husband, Chris, for his willingness to allow Heidie to share their story.

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  • Simply Sweet Marriage June 19, 2009 at 11:41 pm


    Thank you for doing a feature on the article about my transformation. I have not actually read the article yet, but I look forward to reading it next week when it comes out. I will post my thoughts about it on my blog.

    I wanted to publically thank you, Laura M. Brotherson, CFLE for taking the time to overcome your own difficulties and for making the effort to write your book! Not many women do that…they just keep on “getting by”. Through your book, And They Were Not Ashamed, I was able to overcome many obstacles. Honestly, I believe that almost any couple will benefit from reading your book, just by taking the time to value their marriage (or upcoming marriage). A wife that completely understands her husband’s desire for her will be enriched in ways that she never knew possible. There is something for everyone if they will open up their hearts and minds.

    My hope in doing the article was to reach out to other women who are struggling with what I once was…apathy “in the bedroom”. I will be forever grateful to myself that I never gave up on accepting sexuality in marriage as a GOOD THING! Overcoming many inhibitions and accepting my sexual self, took a lot of hard work, mental energy, and effort. All of it has been well worth it! I love how God designed husbands and wives to grow closer to one another, through this knowledge; I have learned to embrace sexuality.

    I feel very blessed to have an extremely patient and encouraging husband who has supported me whole heartedly throughout my journey. Christopher continues to be my biggest enthusiast, best friend, lover, and eternal companion. I owe so much to him forever. I love you honey.

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