National Marriage Week

Feb 7-14 (every year!)

National Marriage Week is coming the week before Valentine’s Day! What are some things you can do to strengthen your marriage? You could join us on our next Couples’ Cruise! For other ideas click here!

Did you know:

  • Married adults live longer lives, have better health, and greater personal happiness?
  • Married adults have more wealth and financial stability?

Why Marriage Matters

“…We should provide the facts about the importance of marriage as a matter of child welfare and economic aspiration. As a society, we have launched highly effective public education campaigns on much less momentous issues, from smoking to recycling… For now, the decline of marriage is our most ignored national crisis…”TIME Magazine

“The Brookings Institution says that if we had the marriage rate today that we had in 1970, there would be a 25 percent drop in poverty. The Heritage Foundation says that marriage drops the probability of a child living in poverty by 82 percent.”FoxNews

“National Marriage Week presents a chance to focus on rebuilding a culture of marriage for this generation.”NEWSWEEK magazine

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