Valentine’s Day is one of my very favorite holidays! It’s a wonderful opportunity to make sure your sweetheart knows how much you love them, and to create fun family traditions for your children as well. I hope you all will make February and Valentine’s Day a special day for showing your love!
Valentine’s Chocolate Nuggets Labels
I’m glad I learned about this wonderful blog “Love Actually” that has lots of great romantic ideas to keep the spark alive in your marriage. The Dating Divas also have tons of great Valentine’s Day ideas to check out. I found this fun idea to add to our romantic Valentine’s Day festivities! My husband’s favorite candy is those Hershey Nuggets with toffee and almonds, so the cute Valentine’s Day labels I found were perfect.
I even took the idea a step further and created my own little mini labels to add on top of the Valentine’s labels. My mini labels had messages like “Hot Stuff,” “Sexy,” “Want You,” “Stud” and “Oh Yeah!” to make the treat even more personal like those candy conversation hearts. Very fun! 😉

Chocolate Bowls
Another fun Valentine’s Day idea for your family might include making chocolate dessert bowls. This is a new family tradition of ours (though I don’t remember where I first got the idea–somewhere online!)

We enjoyed our second year of delicious chocolate dessert bowls filled with ice cream, whipped topping, Oreos and strawberries. There’s a bit of an art to getting these bowls to work with dipping balloons into the melted chocolate, but it’s worth the effort!
You gotta have some chocolate dipped strawberries while you’re at it!
As far as I’m concerned Valentine’s Day should last all through February, so be sure to make the Valentine’s Day season a special opportunity to express your love and appreciation to those you love…and especially to your spouse!
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