Sexy Challenge — “Add Some Lingerie to Your Lovemaking”

Sexy Challenge for HER – “Add Some Lingerie to Your Lovemaking”

Here’s another little “Sexy Challenge” for you ladies to add some fun and spice to your intimate relationship!!

Simply add some lingerie to your lovemaking sometime this coming week. Many clients have shared that when they’ve done that, it’s made the whole intimate experience so much easier for them to warm up to the process.

And if you need a safe and classy way to get some fun new lingerie, check out @mentionables!

I hope this challenge will help get you thinking about more fully embracing your sexuality while improving the intimate connection with your spouse. Let’s help you create your own “sextraordinary” marriage!

CLICK — for Mentionables website

We encourage you to help us strengthen marriages and families by
sharing these challenges on your favorite social media sites! Find us on Instagram and Facebook!

#StrengtheningMarriage #SexyChallenges

See ALL the Sexy Challenges here!

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