Sexy Challenge — “Initiate Sex”

Sexy Challenge for HER – “Initiate Sex”

SEXY CHALLENGE … for HER!! One of the best gifts you can give your husband for Valentine’s is to genuinely initiate lovemaking. It’s one of the number one things husbands dream about. But please don’t do it out of duty or obligation. No one wants that kind of sex.

Husbands especially want their wives to “want to” because it’s the primary way they feel loved.

So, ladies, sometime in the next week initiate sex, if you can, from a genuine “I want to” mindset! It’s a good Valentine’s treat for both of you.

If you feel brave enough to comment here when you complete this fun adventure, we’d love to hear it to help encourage others! 😉

Check out our “Sexual Wholeness for Women” online course to help learn how to create your own “sextraordinary” marriage!

We encourage you to help us strengthen marriages and families by
sharing these challenges on your favorite social media sites! Find us on Instagram and Facebook!

#StrengtheningMarriage #SexyChallenges

See ALL the Sexy Challenges here!

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