Strengthening Marriage Partners —

Because was having a fabulous giveaway of some fun intimacy-inducing items for OUR Facebook fans, we wanted to know what was behind all their enthusiastic support of and our marriage-strengthening efforts!

So, here is Heidie Lee’s story and her journey of creating the online store…

Personal Battle

In 2007, I was in an inner battle over physical intimacy issues in my marriage.  I had been taught a lot of mixed messages. So that combined with self-image issues (what many women struggle with) was a poor combination.

My husband and I were (and still are) in that stage of marriage where we are raising a family and find ourselves…busy, busy, busy with NO TIME for each other.  I wanted to find a solution to my personal issues, because I wanted to improve my marriage. I began to change my priorities. Thankfully my husband was a very kind, loving, and especially patient guy.

Improving My Marriage Intimately

I started exploring ways to improve my marriage.  The answer was not in “adult” stores.  I decided to turn to my scriptures and my Heavenly Father.  I pleaded with Him to help me work through the confusion I had in my mind and to help me find resources to help me to enjoy intimacy more than I had previously.

I also prayed very specifically for other intimate details!

I continued to seek answers, and not long after that initial prayer, I found Laura Brotherson’s book And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment. I could not put it down.  I read it and reread it.

I took the homework seriously and soon found myself anxiously engaged in tearing down walls and working through the confusion of the culture in which I had been raised. My husband definitely did not complain!

He was all too happy to help me with my “homework.”   My life, and my level of happiness and JOY increased.

First, I feel that I owe much thanks to my Heavenly Father for helping me to find Laura’s book…but if she had never written it, I would not have her to thank for the positive changes that transpired! I am so grateful to Laura for writing And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment.

Looking for More

When I got to the “home” work in chapter 6, I was ready to explore!  I went looking for products to enhance the intimate experience and add fun and variety to our lovemaking.  I had a difficult time finding products in an atmosphere that did not make me feel dirty.

So, after much frustration in trying find products in a clean atmosphere…I gradually got the idea to do an online store where couples could find products without feeling “dirty.” Thus the idea for was born!

Changes I’ve Seen in Others

I am so grateful to Laura for what she is doing to strengthen marriages. I have been privileged to personally know many couples who have benefited from Laura’s work.

With permission, I can tell you of a couple who after 17 years of marriage nearly ended it all over sexual issues.  After buying and reading Laura’s book and being willing to work through their differences, the couple is now thriving!

Another woman was struggling with self-image issues, and Laura’s book helped her to face her fears and realize that she is beautiful! She listened to the book on CD and said she could not stop blushing, and had to pace herself…but that listening to the book made a world of difference!

She said she is now more involved in initiating physical intimacy, and her marriage has been strengthened many times over!

I know of so many more fantastic stories relating to this book and the work Laura is doing! I personally give her book as wedding and anniversary gifts and even just to friends –especially those busy wives and mothers who “have no time.”

I highly recommend the book And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage through Sexual Fulfillment by Laura Brotherson.

A “Thank You” Giveaway

Because of my appreciation for Laura’s book and her work I created a giveaway of fun products from our online store to give to those who become a fan of Laura’s Facebook pages. You can see all the details here!

In addition to Laura’s book, she also has some really great tips in her newsletter, on her blog, in her podcasts, on her website, and she has fun questions and reminders (i.e. for D8N1GHT) on her Facebook pages — Strengthening Marriage, Inc. and The Marital Intimacy Show

One of my favorites is the funny post she made about a group date she did with her husband and friends where they dressed up as old people and went out to dinner! That’s now on my dating bucket list to dress up like an old couple and go out! Maybe that is what we will do for date night this coming Halloween!?

Related Information:
  • GIVEAWAY — Enter the free giveaway for intimate products and an autographed copy of Laura’s book
  • STORY — Heidie & Chris Lee’s — “How We Met” story
  • MAGAZINE STORY — Heidie’s interview with a national magazine
  • VIDEO INTERVIEW — Heidie & Chris with Laura on Utah’s KJZZ “Home Team” with Julie Hanks

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